When you arrive, our check-in volunteers will check you and your item in. Depending on the time you turn up and the number of volunteer repairers available, there could be a short wait, so that you can relax over a cup of tea or coffee and cake in the waiting area. You may wish to bring something to keep you busy. You can also watch some repairs and chat to other guests and volunteers. Our repairer volunteers will come and find you by your name when they are due to look at your item, so that you may observe and assist with the repair. The fixers will always explain what is happening so it’s also a chance for you to learn and pick up some new practical skills. 


The repairer may suggest a part is required in order to complete the repair. If this is the case, you will be given the exact part details, so you are able to search online or in a shop, purchase the part, and return to another Repair Café event with your item and the new part.


If your item is irreparable the reasons for this will be explained and advice given on the safest and easiest way to dispose of it.


*While there is no charge for the repairs, any voluntary contributions are gratefully received and recycled into equipment, materials and refreshments.